Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hello from Ukraine

Welcome to the Eastern Europe 2007 summer missions team's blog spot.
This will be our way to share with all of you our ministry and experiences as they happen. We would like to say thank you to all of you for your support; we could not have made it here without you.
That being said...

We (Matt, Charlene, Jordan, Karlynn) arrived in Grand Rapids, Michigan on tuesday and began our 6 days of training with the other teams going to Mali and Mexico. During this week we spent most of the day (7:30 am- 10:30pm) developing an understanding of other cultures through fellowship and lecuture. Wednesday through friday we spent the days in lecture and discussion learning about ministry and missions work including culture shock, interpersonal relationships, our reformed faith, team building and evangelism. The Eastern Europe team spent time learning about the intricacies of Eastern European Cultures. Monday morning (bright and early) we departed for the Grand Rapids Airport and the first of our 4 flights ending in Budapest, Hungry.
We arrived safely and on time in Budapest, Hungary on tuesday morning. George De Vuyst (the local CRWM missionary) met us at the airport and we began our long trip from Hungary's capital to Mukachevo, Ukraine. After a night of much needed sleep from our 29 hours of travel, we began in-field training at George and Sarah De Vuyst's home. While battling some intense jet-lag we have spent the day learning about Ukranian culture and developing our testimonies for speaking in church congregations and youth camps.

some prayer requests: continued adjustment (including time and culture), team unity amidst stress and challenges.
The De Vuyst's request prayer for a local pastor to come and lead their congregation (Russian Speaking) and a church building to combat cultural stigma.

check back periodically for updates from the field.


Ruth said...

Hi Karlynn and Friends!
I'm glad you made it safely and will be praying for you. I was just in Mexico and it was awesome to see how God answered prayer and jumped the language barrier for us. I'll be praying that He supports and encourages you through His power.
Persevere! He loves you!

Alyse said...

Hello Karlynn and team members,
Glad to hear you have safely arrived. We wish you all a wonderful time with prayers that the jet lag will soon be over. Blessings as you become acquainted with the different culture and meet new friends.
Thinking of you(sleeping soundly right now, we hope)
Practically: Smile often
A smile is a curve that can often set things straight!!
May God smile on you all!
Luke and Alyse K

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!!!!!!!!
Just wanted to say hi to everyone. I am so glad to know that you have arrived well and that the Lord is blessing you and using you already. I miss you all very mucha and I´ve been praying for you tons. I´m leaving you my email:
You are all welcome to write
Much love in Christ

kenvh said...

Hey Karlynn & Team! Glad you made it out there - I'm jealous. I've been to Munkacs 4x and I can't wait for next year, when I hope to again with my son Avery. Say hi to George, to Valerij, and to his family, especially daughter Juli and her family. Enjoy your time together, and praying that God blesses you all richly! ~ Ken Vander Horst

Unknown said...

Hi Karlynn,
I didn't know you had embarked on such an adventure for the summer. I'll check back from time to time to see what you four are up to. A close friend of mine has spent quite a bit of time in Romania in the past. Have a wonderful time. Sorry we'll miss you in Smithers this summer when we visit.

Unknown said...

Hi Matt-
It was great to hear from you & get an update! Our thoughts & prayers are with you!
Terry & Sandi DeGroot

Aurora said...

Sounds awesome!
I'll keep in my prayers.
My Greek book misses you ;)
Take Care and God Bless,

Katie Klok

BTV said...

Hi Matt!

Good to hear from you! You are in our prayers...we look forward to seeing you again in August and going to see Jars of Clay! Stay strong as you serve Him!


BTV :)

Julia said...

Hello Jordan and team members.
We trust this SMP experience will enrich your lives, strengthen your faith and bond you ever closer to Jesus Christ.
Much strength, courage and grace as you witness in Christ's name. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Stand firm!

Jessica Côté said...

Hello All!
Glad to hear you made if safe and sound. The Lord indeed is watching over you. I also read the other postings, very nice to hear that things are off to a great start. Our prayers are with you every step of the way. I think of your work, and the struggles (ie. language) and am reminded of many times in the Bible where God provided the right words and the right time. I have the utmost trust in Him that He will do the same for you!
May He be with you on this summer journey, which will 'change you forever.' God Bless!
Jessica Côté (CRWM Canada)